Friday, June 3, 2011

The Brotherhood of the Rose - The Adventure


The mountain peak around Zengis is glowing brightly. The group are about 2.5 days away from Stonebridge so they begin their journey heading there at 14:00 travelling at 4 miles/hour. At 19:00 they decide to turn in for the night. Dworin and Gus take it upon themselves to teach Tyro how to use his quarterstaff before they all go to sleep with each one keeping watch for certain hours throughout the night.

During the night there is an encounter with a boar however nothing comes of that. It’s later during Gus’ watch that the wolves appear. The group wakes up and don their armour in preparation for an attack. Dworin rides towards the wolves who are 140 feet away from the camp; however, he returns to the camp 30 seconds later and the wolves’ howls are heard further away as the group sees the wolves departing. The rest of the night is uneventful.
Sunrise occurs earlier than usual so by 08:00 they’re able to leave the camp. They cross the river and enter Fang by 14:00. Baron Sukumvit, who is Lord Carnus’ brother, is the owner/master of Fang which is famous for its Trial of Campion Games aka The Walk/The Walk of Death.

The group wander around Fang throughout the afternoon where a cleric heals Quinn. Dworin and Tyro head back to the inn, where the inn keeper refuses to serve ale to Tyro. Gus and Bialer return to the inn and Quinn joins them an hour later and they eat dinner. In the morning Quinn goes to service while the others have breakfast. The group leave Fang at 09:30 and continue their journey. They stop for lunch at 14:30 and arrive in Anvil after sunset at 18:30. The group find an inn and settle down for the night. The next day they continue travelling and arrive at Stonebridge just before 14:00. Over there they go to speak to Gillibran to find out what’s been happening in the village.
Duergar – the dwarves from Mirewater who think that they are above all other dwarves

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