Friday, June 3, 2011

Attack of the Wolves

They decide on the night shift – Gus, Quinn, Tyro, Dworin, and Bialer. Bro Norbert says that he’ll stay awake until the moon is full. He gives everyone a vial and says that is anyone is in need to drink it. While they’re chatting away, Quinn asks them whether they heard a noise in the forest. Bialer says that he hears is ahead of them but Quinn says that it’s all around. Bialer looks into the forest to his right and Quinn looks straight ahead. As Bialer raises his bow Lady Amyra looks into the forest and sees four pairs of amber eyes staring ahead. Quinn readies his crossbow. Tyro also looks to see what everyone is reacting towards and sees pairs of eyes in the distance among the tees. Everyone readies their weapons. A holw is heard to the front followed by a howl to the side. Bialer lets off an arrow into the forest aimed at one pair of eyes. Dworin also fires at seeing Bialer fire. A whimper is heard from the direction in which Bialer fired. Nothing was heard from Dworin’s end. After another shot is fired and another whimper is heard, a howl is heard from all around a pack of wolves are seen charging at the group. A wolf attacks Lady Amyra biting her slightly; he doesn’t drop her and they end up face-to-face. A wolf charges at Bialer but misses. Quinn gets bitten close to his neck by a wolf ending up wounded and stumbling back onto the ground. Gus is slightly injured too but the wolf doesn’t manage to drop him. Tyro feels a prod against his back. Another wolf attacks Dworin but misses. Bro Norbert screams out, he says a few words and everyone is filled with courage. Tyro spins to attack the wolf behind him and attacks him on the skull – the wolf is barely standing. Lady Amyra attacks the wolf using her long sword opening a might gash in him. With the wolf above him Quinn attacks it with his morning star whacking it in its mid-section. Gus casts BURNING HANDS with a range to hit 3 of the wolves and they all ignite. Bialer attacks with his long sword but misses. Dworin strikes using his sword and hits the wolf that was already injured and it drops to the ground. Lady Amyra gets attacks and suffers damage but doesn’t get knocked down. Bialer gets attacked and knocked down. A wolf moves to attack Dworin but misses. One of the wolves that is burning manage to bite Quinn slightly. Gus’ attacker misses. Another 2 wolves try to attack Dworin but both miss. Another scream is heard from Bro Norbert who cries out for help. Tyro tries to help Bro Norbert but spins around too fast and does nothing. Lady Amyra attacks but misses. Quinn hits out with his morning star, hits and the wolf falls down. Gus casts SUMMON MONSTER but to no avail. Bialer attempts to strike the wolf that’s on top of him and hits him dropping him down. Dworin strikes at the wolf opposite him and hits him cutting into his mid-section. The wolf falls bleeding profusely. Lady Amyra gets bitten severely and she falls down with the wolf on top of her. A wolf attempts to bite Quinn but misses. Another wolf circles Dworin and attacks him slightly whilst another wolf rushes him and catches him in the kidney region inflicting damage. Tyro is slightly attacked. Bro Norbert yells out to get the wolf off of him. Tyro goes to attack the wolf. Quinn attacks one of the wolves that’s closest to him. Gus casts BURNING HANDS as a cone shape. Bialer gets up and strikes at the wolf above Lady Amyra and hits it leaving it with a meaty gash. Dworin strikes at the wolf to his right. The wolf above Lady Amyra tries to attack Bialer but misses. A wolf attacks Quinn but misses. Another wolf attacks Gus and injures him slightly leaving him prone. The wolf behind Dworin attacks him and injures him causing him to fall on top of the wolf in front of him. The wolf falls flat due to the weight of Dworin. The wolf above Bro Norbert manages to bite him. The wolf that Tyro stabbed tries to bite him but misses – the dagger that is lodged in its skull is causing damage. Tyro tries to attack the wolf above Bro Norbert but misses. Quinn manages to attack a wolf. Gus attempts to strike with his morning star hitting the wolf and getting a good whack at it. Bialer strikes at another wolf which drops down. Dworin manage to attacks the wolf above him using his shield as a weapon. A wolf attempts to attack Quinn but misses. The wolf above Gus bites at him but misses, as does the one above Dworin. Bro Norbert manages to get the wolf off him and the wolf’s attack doesn’t succeed. Tyro is also missed. Bro Norbert attacks the wolf across its face with a morning star. Tyro grabs that dagger that’s sticking in the wolf’s skull and twists it; the wolf drops to the ground. Lady Amyra is getting weaker as time goes by. Quinn attacks with his morning star and the wolf drops to the ground. Gus misses his attack. Bialer fires a precise shot point blank arrow at the wolf that’s on top of Gus. He hits and the wolf falls to the floor. Dworin attempts to shield bash the wolf that was on top of him and manages to hit it just before the wolf runs away. The wolf in front of Bro Norbert also runs away. Quinn heals Lady Amyra for 1 hit point. Then Bro Norbert heals her completely. He also heals Tyro, Gus, Dworin and himself completely. He gives Quinn a salve of CURE LIGHT WOUNDS for himself.

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