Friday, June 3, 2011

Attack of the Wolves

They decide on the night shift – Gus, Quinn, Tyro, Dworin, and Bialer. Bro Norbert says that he’ll stay awake until the moon is full. He gives everyone a vial and says that is anyone is in need to drink it. While they’re chatting away, Quinn asks them whether they heard a noise in the forest. Bialer says that he hears is ahead of them but Quinn says that it’s all around. Bialer looks into the forest to his right and Quinn looks straight ahead. As Bialer raises his bow Lady Amyra looks into the forest and sees four pairs of amber eyes staring ahead. Quinn readies his crossbow. Tyro also looks to see what everyone is reacting towards and sees pairs of eyes in the distance among the tees. Everyone readies their weapons. A holw is heard to the front followed by a howl to the side. Bialer lets off an arrow into the forest aimed at one pair of eyes. Dworin also fires at seeing Bialer fire. A whimper is heard from the direction in which Bialer fired. Nothing was heard from Dworin’s end. After another shot is fired and another whimper is heard, a howl is heard from all around a pack of wolves are seen charging at the group. A wolf attacks Lady Amyra biting her slightly; he doesn’t drop her and they end up face-to-face. A wolf charges at Bialer but misses. Quinn gets bitten close to his neck by a wolf ending up wounded and stumbling back onto the ground. Gus is slightly injured too but the wolf doesn’t manage to drop him. Tyro feels a prod against his back. Another wolf attacks Dworin but misses. Bro Norbert screams out, he says a few words and everyone is filled with courage. Tyro spins to attack the wolf behind him and attacks him on the skull – the wolf is barely standing. Lady Amyra attacks the wolf using her long sword opening a might gash in him. With the wolf above him Quinn attacks it with his morning star whacking it in its mid-section. Gus casts BURNING HANDS with a range to hit 3 of the wolves and they all ignite. Bialer attacks with his long sword but misses. Dworin strikes using his sword and hits the wolf that was already injured and it drops to the ground. Lady Amyra gets attacks and suffers damage but doesn’t get knocked down. Bialer gets attacked and knocked down. A wolf moves to attack Dworin but misses. One of the wolves that is burning manage to bite Quinn slightly. Gus’ attacker misses. Another 2 wolves try to attack Dworin but both miss. Another scream is heard from Bro Norbert who cries out for help. Tyro tries to help Bro Norbert but spins around too fast and does nothing. Lady Amyra attacks but misses. Quinn hits out with his morning star, hits and the wolf falls down. Gus casts SUMMON MONSTER but to no avail. Bialer attempts to strike the wolf that’s on top of him and hits him dropping him down. Dworin strikes at the wolf opposite him and hits him cutting into his mid-section. The wolf falls bleeding profusely. Lady Amyra gets bitten severely and she falls down with the wolf on top of her. A wolf attempts to bite Quinn but misses. Another wolf circles Dworin and attacks him slightly whilst another wolf rushes him and catches him in the kidney region inflicting damage. Tyro is slightly attacked. Bro Norbert yells out to get the wolf off of him. Tyro goes to attack the wolf. Quinn attacks one of the wolves that’s closest to him. Gus casts BURNING HANDS as a cone shape. Bialer gets up and strikes at the wolf above Lady Amyra and hits it leaving it with a meaty gash. Dworin strikes at the wolf to his right. The wolf above Lady Amyra tries to attack Bialer but misses. A wolf attacks Quinn but misses. Another wolf attacks Gus and injures him slightly leaving him prone. The wolf behind Dworin attacks him and injures him causing him to fall on top of the wolf in front of him. The wolf falls flat due to the weight of Dworin. The wolf above Bro Norbert manages to bite him. The wolf that Tyro stabbed tries to bite him but misses – the dagger that is lodged in its skull is causing damage. Tyro tries to attack the wolf above Bro Norbert but misses. Quinn manages to attack a wolf. Gus attempts to strike with his morning star hitting the wolf and getting a good whack at it. Bialer strikes at another wolf which drops down. Dworin manage to attacks the wolf above him using his shield as a weapon. A wolf attempts to attack Quinn but misses. The wolf above Gus bites at him but misses, as does the one above Dworin. Bro Norbert manages to get the wolf off him and the wolf’s attack doesn’t succeed. Tyro is also missed. Bro Norbert attacks the wolf across its face with a morning star. Tyro grabs that dagger that’s sticking in the wolf’s skull and twists it; the wolf drops to the ground. Lady Amyra is getting weaker as time goes by. Quinn attacks with his morning star and the wolf drops to the ground. Gus misses his attack. Bialer fires a precise shot point blank arrow at the wolf that’s on top of Gus. He hits and the wolf falls to the floor. Dworin attempts to shield bash the wolf that was on top of him and manages to hit it just before the wolf runs away. The wolf in front of Bro Norbert also runs away. Quinn heals Lady Amyra for 1 hit point. Then Bro Norbert heals her completely. He also heals Tyro, Gus, Dworin and himself completely. He gives Quinn a salve of CURE LIGHT WOUNDS for himself.
Brother Norbert

They head east and arrive at another T-junction heading north and south. After some deliberation they decide to head south. They walk through the valley which is more pleasant than other areas of the forest. As they walk up the path they notice a robed man facing the same direction in which they are heading. To the right of the man they notice an unusual patch of flat earth. He turns around as they approach. Quinn recognises that he is a friar and the man hugs him warmly. The friar appears to be very jittery. The flat patch of earth is the ruins of a building. The friar explains that the ruins used to be a monastery dedicated to Pelor which was ransacked by the dwarves of Mirewater. The other monks managed to escape to surrounding monasteries. Each day a monk goes back into the forest in the hope that someone will enter the ruins to retrieve the diary of the highest monk and any other items that they can retrieve which they can then either keep or barter. The friar heals Lady Amyra. The friar says that they are not aware of what has happened to the basement levels. A couple of the friars claim that they have heard a dog-like yapping sound however nobody has confirmed it. They decide to take on the friar’s quest the following morning. The friar offers to stay with them for the night as a sign of goodwill. Lady Amyra, Gus and Quinn stay behind to set up camp, helped by the friar, while the others go foraging.

Time of day: 15:30

In the meantime, the friar explains the layout of the monastery to the others and introduces himself as Brother Norbert. Everyone returns to camp just before sunset. They cook and eat.

Time of day: 1 hour after sunset
Meeting the Mirewater Dwarf

Tyro first notices a dwarf sitting on a log by the side of the path. Dworin speaks to him in Dwarven and asks whether he lost his army. The dwarf grunts a ‘no’. Dworin asks him as to why he’s alone in the forest but the dwarf tells him to move on. Dworin asks whether he’s seen any goblins around the dwarf spits in distaste. Tyro speaks to the dwarf in Dwarven much to the dwarf’s and Dworin’s surprise and asks him to help them. the dwarf says that he is looking for his eagle which had gone to perform a raid on a nearby village. Dworin speaks to the others in Common telling them what the other dwarf has said, realising that this dwarf is from Mirewater – the dwarves who originally stole the hammer. He intimates that he is going to attack. Dworin sits near the dwarf on the log and tells him that his eagle has been shot down and that the hammer which the eagle stole is what Dworin is looking for, upon hearing this the dwarf tries to punch Dworin but misses. Dworin draws his hand sword while Gus, Quinn and Lady Amyra prepare their weapons for attack. Bialer walks up to him and slaps him telling him that he shouldn’t steal things from other people! In the remaining space that there is the dwarf tries to punch Bialer but fails. Bialer attempts to stab down at the dwarf but misses. Tyro throws a dagger but it flies past the dwarf’s head. Quinn casts HOLD PERSON on the dwarf. Lady Amyra fires an arrow at the dwarf piercing its neck. Blood is spurting from the wound. After a couple of other attacks the dwarf drops down with blood spurting out of his neck from the arrow wounds. Dworin searches the dwarf and finds: backpack, helmet, chainmail, ring (taken by Dworin) and a large wooden shield. In the backpack there is the usual bedroll, etc plus a small vial (taken by Dworin) and a belt pouch with about 50 gold pieces, which Dworin passes on to Bialer to keep.

Time of day: 12:00 (midday)

They continue walking and arrive at a T-junction heading east and south. They stop for lunch before heading on.

Time of day: 13:00
The Fire Demon in the Cavern

They proceed up the stairs with Tyro in the lead and a burst of flames shoots out from the alcove. Tyro evades it but Lady Amyra is struck and falls down unconscious. Gus manages to evade. Quinn casts CURE MODERATE WOUNDS on Lady Amyra and she regains consciousness but is badly damaged. Quinn casts TURN UNDEAD but there’s no reaction. Dworin shouts out to the others telling them to move back to the cave and grabs Quinn to turn back. Tyro decides to chance his LUCK and attack using his melee dagger. He hits the creature but nothing appears to have happened. Bialer shoots off an arrow aiming for his head but he misses and the arrow breaks. Bialer heads down the stairs near the other alcove. Gus casts CELESTIAL OWL around the head of the creatures and hits but to no visible effect. Lady Amyra attempts to fire and arrow but she fumbles and drops her bow. The creature lashes out at the celestial owl and carves him on half. Dworin fires an arrow at the creature and then moves down towards the other alcove. His arrow misses. Tyro dodges between the creature’s legs and goes into the alcove. The creature tries to attack him but misses. Tyro then attempts to fire his crossbow at him but drops his bow. Bialer fires his crossbow letting out two arrows, the first of which hits. Gus casts FLARE in front of the creature’s eyes and as a flash appears in front of it, it shakes its head. Lady Amyra attacks with her long sword and hits the creature who then strikes out at her. Due to his being dazed by the flare he hits her shield but doesn’t damage it. Quinn also moves back to the alcove. Dworin fires but misses and moves further back. Tyro regains his crossbow, fires and misses. Bialer fires and misses. Gus casts CELESTIAL DOG around the creature’s heels but the dog misses. Gus moves back 5 feet towards the alcove. Lady Amyra uses LUCK and attacks with her long sword. Although she gives him a good strike no physical damage appears on him. The creature attacks the celestial dog and kills it just before it disappears. Quinn casts CREATE WATER above the creature which, upon touching him, becomes steam. Quinn moves backwards. Dworin shoots at the creature hitting him in the chest. Tyro shoots at the creature and hits but notices that no damage is being inflicted. Bialer shoots 2 arrows. Gus heads back to the alcove near the others. Lady Amyra goes to move back providing an attack of opportunity for the creature who manages to hit her, causing damage but she manages to get down to the other alcove. Quinn runs into the alcove. Dworin shoots but misses. Tyro searches the alcove and sees two clone warriors on either side of a magnificent throne. Bialer shoots at the creature. Lady Amyra moves into the alcove realising that she left her crossbow behind. The creature starts to move down the stairs. Quinn casts CURE LIGHT WOUNDS on Lady Amyra. Dworin moves forward and fires and hits. Tyro attacks one of the clone warriors. Bialer moves down towards the first alcove, followed by Lady Amyra and Gus. The creature attempts to move down the stairs but slips and falls hanging off the ledge by his hands. Dworin goes up the stairs to where it’s hanging. Tyro attempts to carry one of the come warriors but doesn’t succeed. They both attack him but one misses; the other one hits. Bialer turns around and notices that the creature is no longer on the steps. Gus asks Quinn to move out of the way. Lady Amyra also notices that the creature is now out of sight. Quinn steps to the side into the alcove. Dworin swipes down onto the creature’s hand which is grasping at the step and chops through the first finger. Tyro attacks the clone warriors and they strike back but both miss. Lady Amyra moves up the stairs. Gus runs up near Dworin. Quinn follows Gus up the stairs. Dworin strikes down again but misses. Tyro attacks again and they attack back but miss. Lady Amyra and Bialer both move up the stairs. Gus aims an arrow at the creature’s hand and shoots his finger. The creature falls off the ledge and lands on the floor below in a puff of smoke. Tyro is still in the alcove with the clone warriors; they attack but miss as does Tyro. Lady Amyra asks Gust to pick up her short bow but Bialer tells Lady Amyra to move up the stairs and pick it up herself. Nevertheless Gus collects it for her and moves up the stairs. Quinn follows. Dworin looks into the alcove and sees Tyro and the two clones. He strikes the clone that’s closest to him with his long sword. Tyro attacks but misses and the clones attack back but also miss. Lady Amyra walks up the stairs followed by Bialer. Gus enters the alcove; he tries to strike with his morning star but misses. Quinn enters the alcove. Dworin strikes again. Lady Amyra enters the alcove, attacks a clone warrior and injures him with a mighty gash. Bialer enters the alcove. Gus strikes but misses. Quinn flanks the clone and strikes with his morning star. Dworin attacks a clone and he disappears into a puff of dust. Tyro goes to attach but drops his quarterstaff. Lady Amyra attacks the last clone which is barely standing by this point. Bialer attacks and kills the last clone.

Time of day: approx. 11:00 a.m.

There’s nothing of interest in the alcove so they continue climbing the stairs and emerge from the hole in the forest. They head back to the patch and head north. They enter deeper into the forest until they’re surrounded by tall trees and they arrive at a T-junction. They decide to head east. Tyro sees a gold piece on the floor and jumps for it. They take up formation on the path.
The Humanoids in the Cavern

There is sunlight and a stream in the cavern. Bialer speaks to them but they give no reaction. Tyro takes a green fungus and there’s no reaction from the humanoids. They climb the steps and see 3 alcoves on the side. They stop at the first alcove where there is a barrel and a chest; Tyro opens that chest with his thieves’ tools and finds 8 gold pieces. He looks into the barrel and a finds a large, steel shield. Lady Amyra compares it to hers but decides not to take it. They continue up the stairs to the second alcove where there are 4 more humanoids that are armed. Bialer steps out and the humanoids move to attack him. They miss their first attempts, however Bialer is then hit. Bialer strikes and hits Humanoid 4 which dissolves into a pool of liquid. Tyro refocuses. Lady Amyra strikes at Humanoid 3 and leaves it with a mighty gash in its mid-section. It strikes back but misses. Bialer strikes at Humanoid 2 causing it to bleed. Lady Amyra strikes at ‘3’ again wounding it further. They strike back but miss and Humanoid 1 drops its spear. Bialer and Lady Amyra miss their next tries. Gus casts CELESTIAL DOG which attacks ‘3’. Bialer is hit by ‘2’ while ‘1’ draws a dagger from its belt. Quinn heals Bialer’s wounds who then attacks ‘2’ and kills him. Gus attacks ‘3’ and it too dies. Bialer strikes at ‘1’ (the last one standing) but misses. Lady Amyra moves around behind ‘1’ and strikes it leaving a gash on its shoulder. It tries to strike back but falls. Tyro manages to get into the cave and hits at the fallen ‘1’ with his quarterstaff. Dworin also attacks ‘1’ wounding him severely. Bialer finally kills it. The rest of the alcove is empty.
Pterodactyl Attack

Bialer lets off one arrow towards the creature and hits it, jumping out of the way as much as possible. He fires another arrow but misses. Quinn casts CELESTIAL EAGLE above Bialer. Tyro fires at the creature using his light crossbow and hits. Gus also fires at the creature but misses. The creature swipes down and clutches the celestial eagle which disappears in his clutches. Lady Amyra shoots an arrow at the creature and hits it. Dworin, in an effort to react, loses his balance and stumbles. Bialer fires off two arrows at the pterodactyl – the first arrow is a critical hit but the second arrow misses. The creature’s left claw is pierced gashing it wide open. Quinn casts RANDOM ACTION on the pterodactyl causing it to attack itself. It doesn’t cause much damage but gets distracted. Tyro fires again but misses. Gus fires and hits. The pterodactyl is now bleeding profoundly and swipes at Bialer, hitting him. Lady Amyra performs LAY ON HANDS on Bialer, healing him. Dworin attacks the creature with his new long sword and the creature slumps to the ground. Tyro searches the pterodactyl but finds nothing of interest.

The Hollow Tree

Lady Amyra, Quinn and Bialer see an arrow pointing west (on the ground) away from the path. They follow the arrows which lead to a large tree. Lady Amyra, Tyro and Quinn notice that the tree is larger than normal, is very old and is dead. They notice that the tree is hollow and there’s a hole in the ground leading downwards. Tyro searches for traps but finds nothing. Dworin heads toward the tree trunk with his sword drawn and Quinn casts LIGHT on the blade. The light shows that the entire tree trunk is hollow and acts like a chimney. Dworin is at the edge of the opening and sees a medallion hanging on the other side of the trunk. The light of the sword shows the bottom of the hole which is within a 20 foot drop. Tyro takes the medallion which is gold in colours. Dworin lets down a rope to the bottom of the tree and Bialer swings down suffering some damage along the way. He sees that there’s a low tunnel heading west, however he can’t make out any details. Dworin therefore climbs down to take a look. Dworin hands over the lit sword to Bialer who sees that the tunnel continues but there seems to be no end it slopes underground. Tyro climbs down too and follows Dworin inside. Lady Amyra climbs down with difficulty thinking to herself that this is a mad idea. Gus climbed down next while Quinn secures the rope for himself and climbed down. They all crawl behind each other and after about 3 minutes they find themselves in a large cavern with green walls where small humanoids are tending to crops of fungi.
The Pit of Leaves

Bialer is at the front of the group and he stops suddenly saying that he senses something isn’t right. He tries to climb the hill face but doesn’t manage. Tyro searches for traps and comes across one. Lady Amyra casts DETECT EVIL but detects nothing. The trap that Tyro found is a pit covered in leaves and branches. Bialer manages to jump across. Tyro triggers the trap with his quarterstaff which reveals a 10-15 foot deep pit. Bialer throws over a rope to the other side for the other to cross with a safety rope. Lady Amyra manages to cross with some difficulty. Gus attempts to cross but gets caught midway on the rope so Quinn reaches out to help him back on to his side of the pit. Eventually Bialer and Dworin move to allow the rope to move and reach the other side allowing Gus to get up. Finally all of the others jump across.

The Sword in the Stone

As they walk along they see the handle of a sword stuck in a rock. Gus attempts to pull it out but is unsuccessful. Dworin then attempts to pull it out and manages without any effort. The sword gives off a positive energy and Dworin keeps it. They continue walking and approach a junction heading east and west – they head east and reach another junction that is split into north and east; they head north.

The Mud Pool

They see a large mud pool off the path with bubbles coming to the surface and a heat mirage at the surface. Bialer throws a pebble into the pool which sinks. The others start moving ahead but Lady Amyra places her hand into the pool and feels a rush of positive energy flow through her so she calls the others back to feel it too. They return, somewhat reluctantly, but feel the same rush of energy so they decide to fill Lady Amyra’s silver box with mud for upcoming ventures.

They continue north up the path when a large shadow happens on the ground and as they look up they see a massive creature flying above them. The creature screeches and flies straight towards Bialer. It looks like a pterodactyl.
The Pool in the Cave

They walk west and along the way they hear the roar of rushing water. They come upon the top of a waterfall which is further away from them. They see a path and a small wooden boat in the river. Lady Amyra and Bialer notice steps leading down but they cannot see where they lead to. Bialer takes a closer look at the steps – the ones toward the bottom are wet because of the waterfall. After some deliberation they decide to head down the stairs. As they reach the bottom Tyro crosses the path under the waterfall with a safety rope tied around his waist. He gets across and call out to the others that there are more steps on that side heading downwards. They all decide to cross the path to the other side. Quinn slips but manages to catch hold of the rope; the others all pass through without any problems though Dworin stumbles his way across slowly. They notice a stone table and chair in the cavern and Quinn notices a few bubbles in the water. Bialer aims an arrow at the bubble and fires but misses. Lady Amyra casts DETECT EVIL but doesn’t detect anything in the cavern. Tyro decides to explore the area looking for traps but finds nothing. Bialer casts RAY OF FROST on the pool of water and a surface of thin ice spreads across the pool. Dworin takes a look at the chair and table, and upon the table he sees scraps of fish. Tyro breaks the ice and throws in a scrap of fish but to no reaction. The others throw in the stone table and chair but still there is no reaction from the pool. As they are about to climb out they notice another set of stairs leading up so they climb up those and find themselves on the other side of the river. They continue to head north along rough terrain.
The Barbarian

They listen out and Lady Amyra, Gus and Quinn hear a low moan emanating from the grass. They go through the grass and find a bloodied man tied to 4 stakes in the ground, badly battered and blistered. Quinn casts MODERATE HEALING on him. Dworin cuts the rope that is binding his left hand. Lady Amyra casts DETECT EVIL on him and detects a hint of evil. Quinn speaks to the barbarian whose fresh wounds and blisters have now been healed but he gets no reaction from him. Dworin commands him to answer. Tyro searches the barbarian and finds a tiny dagger and a gem pouch. They try to wake him up but to no avail. Tyro pricks him with the tiny dagger and his body jerks in response. When Dworin asks the barbarian who had done this to him, the barbarian grunts in response. Having detected evil Lady Amyra takes a swipe at him and the barbarian raises his arm; because of this she ends up cutting through his arm and nicking his chest with the tip of her sword. The barbarian lets off a blood curdling scream and his body starts to shake. Gus fires a blot into his chest at point blank range. Bialer strikes down with his long sword. Tyro jumps onto the barbarian and strikes down with his quarterstaff. Quinn attacks with his morning star but the barbarian still continues to yell and lash about. Dworin then strikes at him with his scimitar and the barbarian dies. Gus performs a coup de grace by smashing a morning star on his head. They head back to the path and walk until they reach the river.

They decide to walk along the river in a westerly direction. As sunset approaches they decide to set up camp. Lady Amyra, Bialer and Quinn forage for food and find 5 portions. They each have a portion including the one left over from lunchtime. They rest for the night and morning comes without any disturbances. They forage in the morning for the day’s resources and find 10 portions. They each have a portion and are left with 4.
The Tree Trap

Bialer gets caught in a trap – a noose was lying on the path and he steps in it – he’s flung into the air and is hanging upside down. All his possessions fall to the ground in the process. Tyro attempts to climb the tree but doesn’t manage to get a grasp. He eventually manages to get up there taking a rope with him. After much deliberation they decide to cut through the rope while Bialer is holding one end and Dworin holds the other end along with Gus and Quinn. Tyro attempts to get down and is caught by Dworin.

The Ape

As they proceed along the path they see a knotted vine hanging from a tree on the left at the top of which is s tree house. An ape-like creature emerges and Tyro decides to climb up to him. He looks inside the tree house and sees a bed of sorts but nothing more so he climbs down and they move on. They continue walking and reach a set of crossroads.

Tyro’s excited after his encounter with the ape and is ready for an adventure. The group stops to eat and Bialer and Quinn go foraging while the others stay behind to prepare a fire and rest. While foraging they obtain 5 portions of food. They forage for another 2 minutes and obtain another 2 portions. They return to the camp where they all eat.

Time of day: past 12:00 (midday)

They decide to head west and come to a T junction. By now the trees have dwindled in numbers to be replaced by tall grass. They decide to head north and come to another fork in the path and decide to continue north along the path. They notice a flock of birds in the sky and Lady Amyra and Bialer recognise them as vultures. The rest of the party also recognise the birds.
Finding the Handle

The come across an opening in the rock face which leads to a cave. In the cave there is a large humanoid creature which stands at 10 feet tall, which a smaller creature is contained in a cage, jumping up and down.
After several attempts to gain the creature’s attention, Bialer fires two arrows and hits him. As they all move forwards toward the opening of the cave, the cave is shrouded in darkness. Bialer fires another two arrows and hits the creature. It falls to the ground and lies prone.

Tyro runs into the cave near the creature while the others walk in. Tyro stabs the prone ogre. Dworin sees a black shiny handle around the neck of the caged goblin which he thinks could be the handle of the stolen hammer. He grabs the cage and starts shaking it demanding to know where he had got it from. Tyro searches the ogre and finds: a belt pouch with 4 gems – blue quartz, onyx, coral, and citrine (amber). He takes the gems.

Dworin ties up the cage with the goblin in it. Tyro notices that the ogre is still breathing and shouts out. Dworin goes near the ogre, take out his sword and strikes down but misses. Gus uses his Morningstar on the ogre. Quinn casts CELESTIAL EAGLE on the ogre for three rounds. The ogre then becomes misty and translucent and flies away.

Dworin tries to intimidate the goblin by moving him very close to the fire however the goblin tries to strike out. At that point Gus strikes unarmed at the goblin and jabs him. The goblin strikes back and hits Gus. After a punching match, Dworin points his sword towards the goblin and strikes through. The goblin dies. Dworin undoes the cord tied around the goblin’s neck and recognises that the rod is the handle of the hammer. Dworin then puts the goblin and the cage on the fire. Lady Amyra notices a small silver box in the cave. She opens it and a yellow gas escapes. They exit the cave and continue their journey.
Hobgoblin Encounter

They travel into the forest on foot and encounter two hobgoblins. After the fight in which both hobgoblins fall, they search them and find: studded leather x 2; shield (taken by Quinn); 2 long swords and 2 javelins. They decide to leave the weapons behind (apart from the shield). They also find 3 gold pieces, a tiny brass flute (held by Dworin) and a necklace of mouse skulls.

The Giant Worm Attack

They continue walking and come across a large hole in the ground that slopes into the earth. The sides are covered in a gooey substance so Lady Amyra suggests that they throw down the brass flute to see if anything reacts. Quinn casts LIGHT on the flute before it’s thrown down the hole. There is a chamber at the bottom and Tyro climbs down to it. A giant worm appears and attacks Tyro. Gus casts CELESTIAL OWL which attacks the word. Lady Amyra shoots at the worm but misses. The worm shoots its barb at the owl and hit it; it then takes a chunk out of Tyro causing 5 points of damage. The own falls to the ground near Tyro. Bialer shoots two arrows and hits the worm causing its barb to drop as well as its head.

The group has problems getting down the slope into the cavern. Dworin almost falls but Lady Amyra manages to grab hold of him. The cavern contains skeletal remains which are scattered about. Quinn manages to get down to the cavern and Bialer carries Tyro toward Quinn who casts CURE MODERATE WOUNDS and removes the paralysis that was inflicted upon Tyro. Bialer cuts the barb off the worm’s tail and hands it to Tyro before they both manage to get out of the cavern. Lady Amyra makes sure that Tyro is okay. Everyone else manages to get out of the cavern and they keep heading north.
Travel Warriors

Gillibran tells the group that they must go and visit the great wizard Yaztromo across the Forest so that he can possibly shed some light on the situation. Gillibran gives the group 10 rations, 2 days worth of firewood and tobacco. They leave and set off towards the Forest. On their travels warriors jump out of the forest and demand a toll.
Tyro shoots but fumbles and drops his bow on the ground so he jumps off the wagon to collect it with his quarterstaff at the ready. Gus casts Burning Hands while Quinn casts Celestial Eagle. Tyro is struck with a rapier and suffers 6 points of damage. He strikes out with his quarterstaff and suffers another 3 points of damage. Quinn heals Tyro. The combat ends with 8 warriors down and 1 fleeing into the forest. All 8 warriors are searched and they find the following: 7 rapiers; 1 long sword; 7 leather armour;1 hide; 3 gold pieces; 130 silver pieces; 6 daggers; 8 quivers + 85 arrows; 8 short bows. The group store all these items in their wagon.

They continue travelling for an hour after sunset (17:45) and then camp and rest for the night making use of their rations. The time now is 19:00 and they go to sleep at 22:00. Bialer takes guard first and the night passes by uneventfully. As they continue travelling the next day they come to the bridge and realises that it’s too narrow for the wagon to cross over. They therefore decide to cross the river with the wagon and they approach the location of the Tower. They encounter a humanoid figure on their path and Dworin notices a doorway to a tower.

They meet Lady Amyra of the Vale and she joins the group.

The group enters Yazmoto’s Tower and the following morning their leave for Darkwood Forest to collect the hammer which has been stolen by two goblins that have separated it and taken a piece each.

The Brotherhood of the Rose - The Adventure


The mountain peak around Zengis is glowing brightly. The group are about 2.5 days away from Stonebridge so they begin their journey heading there at 14:00 travelling at 4 miles/hour. At 19:00 they decide to turn in for the night. Dworin and Gus take it upon themselves to teach Tyro how to use his quarterstaff before they all go to sleep with each one keeping watch for certain hours throughout the night.

During the night there is an encounter with a boar however nothing comes of that. It’s later during Gus’ watch that the wolves appear. The group wakes up and don their armour in preparation for an attack. Dworin rides towards the wolves who are 140 feet away from the camp; however, he returns to the camp 30 seconds later and the wolves’ howls are heard further away as the group sees the wolves departing. The rest of the night is uneventful.
Sunrise occurs earlier than usual so by 08:00 they’re able to leave the camp. They cross the river and enter Fang by 14:00. Baron Sukumvit, who is Lord Carnus’ brother, is the owner/master of Fang which is famous for its Trial of Campion Games aka The Walk/The Walk of Death.

The group wander around Fang throughout the afternoon where a cleric heals Quinn. Dworin and Tyro head back to the inn, where the inn keeper refuses to serve ale to Tyro. Gus and Bialer return to the inn and Quinn joins them an hour later and they eat dinner. In the morning Quinn goes to service while the others have breakfast. The group leave Fang at 09:30 and continue their journey. They stop for lunch at 14:30 and arrive in Anvil after sunset at 18:30. The group find an inn and settle down for the night. The next day they continue travelling and arrive at Stonebridge just before 14:00. Over there they go to speak to Gillibran to find out what’s been happening in the village.
Duergar – the dwarves from Mirewater who think that they are above all other dwarves